Using a Valid License
Register your Product for Full Functionality
Registering will help you get support from us in case you might have trouble or need help with the software, installation, or any other unforeseen situation. Registering your products stands for trust and being in friendly relationship with us. We are looking forward to helping all registered customers in case of trouble.
How to Register a Product
Registration Process
Our products are protected by an authorization scheme requiring registration and activation using a valid license. The registration and activation process can be performed via two different methods depending on the internet connectivity of your computer.
- Your computer is connected to the internet
Register with internet connection - Your computer is NOT connected to the internet
Register without internet connection - You have received a USB-dongle with your product
No further registration of the product is required. Just plug the USB-dongle into one of the USB ports of your computer before starting the software. In some cases, Windows hardware manager will pop up to install the unknown hardware. Confirm all steps in the hardware wizard with default settings by clicking "Next". After completion, a yellow light should be lit inside the USB-dongle. Now you are ready to start your software.
General Information
Registration and Activation of your product are required each time you freshly install it on a computer. In case you have purchased any product enhancements, they need to be registered and activated as well.
In all cases, the registration form must be filled and submitted to register and activate the software properly. The following registration information will be submitted:
Your first name, last name, company, full address and your email address, as well as the license key that came with the product. In addition, a randomly created machine hash code is submitted to perform activation.
Privacy Note
Any Information provided to LabCognition remains secure and private and is used only for the purposes specified by the customer. Furthermore, the machine hash code used during activation is a combination of hash values of various computer components and cannot be used to determine the make or model of the computer, nor can it be backward-calculated to determine the raw computer information.
Check out our privacy statement for more information.